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Our values at Flux Therapy are to help train and equip people in how to support children who are at risk of experiencing early years trauma, and to engage with research to help better manage and minimize the effects of early years trauma.


Our specialities includes: therapeutic fostering, social work, transitional analysis, safeguarding, systemic practice, and trauma informed practice. We have a passion for working WITH organisations to support systemic sustained change.


We offer a range of consultation packages, which can include:​


Trauma Awareness 

How to systemically support the trauma informed approach within and organisation 

Policy and Procedure Structure

The development and implementation of therapeutic training within all your policies and procedures 

Therapeutic Change Management.

Change can be hard, especially within an organisation, we can support the development of change maps which are at their core therapeutically minded. 

In addition to organisational consulting, I also offer specialist 1:1 consulting  which can included coaching, safety planning, and parenting support.


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7 East Parade, York, YO31 7YB

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Ben Groves, Therapy, Counselling, York, Yorkshire, Trauma, Supervision, Consulting, Training,

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